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Detail Train |
Welcome to the website associated with the book 'Detail Train - The train of thoughts when detailing architecture' by Thomas Rasche |
Discover how an architectural designer thinks! This is a book explaining the train of thoughts of an architect, technologist or designer who develops architectural detals. This book is first draft, and as such it is a free download. Just click on this link to access the pdf file: view Detail Train pdf here. An updated version is available for you to purchase as a paper book. You can get it here: Detail Train book (A4-print version). You are invited to comment on the contents of this book, with any suggestions, hints, corrections and improvements. |
Updates of this book Version 1.1, September 2009 Original draft release as pdf and paper. Version 1.2, March 2010 Draft released as paper book. Addition of Appendix: Costing Details. Further development has stopped due to other distractions... |
Other websites: Translation by Google of words, webpages and more. Website hosting: Namesco. Contact: You can contact Thomas at: |
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